It provides a brief historical overview of the RRI concept, and identify three distinct features; democratic governance of the purposes of research and innovation, the responsiveness, anticipation, reflection and deliberation in and around research and innovation, influencing the direction of associated policy.

RRI, dimensions, policy

This book develops conceptual and regional perspectives on responsible innovation as well as exploring the prospects for further implementation of responsible innovation in emerging technological practices ranging from agriculture and medicine to nanotechnology and robotics. 

RRI, emerging technologies

This guide has been conceived as a methodological guidance for policy-makers and implementing bodies on how to prepare for and how to design, draft and implement a national/regional research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3).

RIS3, methodologies, innovation strategies

Energy research highlights are set on the development of reliable renewable energy systems and applications; transition to decentralized systems and socio-technical, behavioural and institutional issues combination which requires the integration of both energy and research policies. Global trends in research policies showing an advocacy for responsible approaches are for example Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Open Innovation European strategies which promote the development of social issues as core key of the research and innovation and the definition of the outcomes as the expression of human values such as safety, justice, sustainability and efficiency. 

Renewable energies, RRI, policy, transitions

This article develops a model for a regional responsible research and innovation (RRI) policy, integrating existing European Union policies on RRI, and on research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3). RRI and RIS3 are central concepts in the EU’s innovation policy agenda, but there are tensions between the two approaches. It highlight that Europe’s innovation challenges can only be resolved by leveraging the strengths of both types of innovation policy.

smart specialisation, responsible research and innovation,  regions, EU policy

This paper analyzes how the Living Labs can be designed as tools for a more effective implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) within the Quintuple Helix Model. 

Smart specialisation strategy, Living labs, Quintuple helix model 

Renewable energy communities are grassroots initiatives that invest in ‘clean energy’ in order to meet consumption needs and environmental goals and thereby – often unwittingly – conduce to the spread of renewables. It explores the potential of renewable energy communities in the Netherlands, as social niches, to contribute to transitions in the energy system. 

Multi-Level Perspective, Social niche, Social innovation, Renewable energy communities

This paper presents an interdisciplinary framework explicating how values influence institutional change in the case of the energy transition. We build on a dynamic framework for institutional change that combines the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework with the concept of social learning. This basic analytical framework is expanded by conceptualizations of values in moral philosophy, institutional economics, and social psychology. Our framework offers researchers and policy makers an analytical tool to identify how values are embedded in infrastructure and existing regulation and how values shape communities and behavior.

Energy transition, Institutional change, methodological approach

Vision building, pathway construction and experimentation are key processes in the management of long-term sociotechnical transitions. The need to accelerate transitions and to adapt transition management to new country contexts calls for new means to catalyse these processes. We improved the path creation toolsets and procedures of transition management to create more detailed pathways and analyses of pathway step interrelations. The system has facilitated and anchored well the discussions by participants with cross-sectoral backgrounds. Overall, the redesigned system underscores the potential that codesign for sustainability transitions holds.
Sociotechnical transitions, codesign, toolset
H2020 project is running until 2024. It aims to develop an integrated energy system to help decarbonise (industrialised) islands. To this end, the project will develop and deploy an integrated, smart and cost-efficient energy system that couples thermal, electrical and gas networks, which will optimise the utilisation of local renewable energy sources. The ROBINSON project supports islands and Europe by contributing to Europe’s technological advancement, improving quality of life, protecting the environment, and being cost-competitive and market-ready.
Decarbonisation, technologies, Energy Management System (EMS), Islands
The ISLANDER project focuses on the implementation of a smart energy management solution aggregating distributed energy resources and the development of a roadmap for a complete decarbonisation of the island. It considers the development of an advanced smart IT platform to flexibly manage Distributed Energy Resources (DER) coupled with Hybrid Energy Storage (HES) while also incorporating Demand Response (DR) and Local Power Balancing (LPB). Starting with the Pilot island of Borkum, the project aims at replicating these solutions to 4 Follower Islands: Lefkada and Skopelos in Greece, Orkney in the UK and Cres in Croatia, and to other EU islands.
IT platform, decarbonisation, islands, smart energy
The main goal of INSULAE is to foster the deployment of innovative solutions aiming to the EU islands decarbonization by developing and demonstrating at three Lighthouse Islands a set of interventions linked to seven replicable use cases, whose results will validate an Investment Planning Tool that will be then demonstrated at four Follower Islands for the development of four associated Action Plans. This will allow the island to generate their own sustainable and low-cost energy.
Decarbonisation, Innovation, Energy planning, Islands
BRIDGE is a cooperation group involving 90 projects (58 ongoing) in the areas of Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation funded under the Horizon 2020 program over the last 6 years (2014-2020). It aims at fostering the exchange of information, experience, knowledge, and best practices among its members. BRIDGE wants to provide field experience, feedback and lessons learned from the participating projects to help overcome the barriers to effective innovation. It aims at gathering coordinated, balanced and coherent recommendations to strengthen the messages and maximize their impacts towards policy makers in view of removing barriers to innovation deployment.
Knowledge exchange, smart grid, energy storage, Islands
The project aims to develop a theoretically-based and empirically-grounded understanding of cross-cutting issues related to SSH aspects (socio-economic; socio-technical; socio-ecological; socio-cultural; socio-political and socio-psychological; and gender related) of “Clean Energy Transition” in European coal mining and carbon-intensive regions.
Clean energy transition, coal, mining, multi-dimensional perspectives
It brings diverse groups together to make sense of how social innovation can bring about a more sustainable energy system in Europe. How has social innovation contributed to making our energy sources, use, and production cleaner? How can social change help reduce our carbon footprint in the future?
Social innovation,  City labs
Social Innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
Aims to support the energy transition and improve policy design by developing alternative and robust policy pathways that foster citizen inclusion and take local peculiarities into account. Examines five types of energy- and mobility-related local social innovation in ten front-runner cities and islands across Europe. 
energy transition, policy design, cities


Towards Multi-stakeholders transition Roadmaps With citizens at the centre

Empowering local authorities to lead the transition towards low-carbon, resilient and more liveable cities. Based on the concept of transition management, to facilitate and accelerate sustainable transitions through participatory processes of visioning, learning and experimenting. 
engagement, energy transition, government
The project created a research consortium funded by the Academy of Finland’s Strategic Research Council that examined the global energy transition and its impact on Finland. Research areas were new technologies, business models, experiments, learning and institutional barriers and opportunities.
energy transition, technologies, experiments, Finland 
The PentaHelix project is focusing on developing and testing a new approach for integrating multi-governace planning for sustainable energy, both horizontal and vertical, together with a close interaction with key stakeholders in energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions such as the industry and business, building sector, NGO's, academia and individual citizens or relevant associations
Multi-governance, sustainable energy, stakeholders engagement


Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Changes in European Research Funding and Performing Organisations

Putting RRI principles into practice. It brings together three European regions – Lombardy (Italy), Brussels-Capital (Belgium) and Catalonia (Spain) – to design, test and disseminate three sound co-creation methodological frameworks (participatory research agenda setting, design for social innovation and citizen science) within their Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3). 
RRI, RIS3, social innovation, citizen science, institutional changes
The project map how, where and why members of the public, stakeholders, consumers and other groups are engaged in the research and innovation process, from early policy development to the delivery of research activity. Engage2020 aims to increase the use of engagement methods and policies by mapping what is practiced and spreading awareness of the opportunities amongst researchers, policy makers and other interested parties. The project will map existing policies, structures, methods, approaches, tools and instruments, as well as highlighting promising new or adapted approaches we would like to see in the future.
R&I, public engagement, policy


Territorial responsible research and innovation through the involvement of local R&I actors

TeRRItoria is a Horizon 2020 project which aims to position regions and local authorities as places for science governance, education, public engagement, ethics, and open access. The project operates in a context of transition in European society. For territorial governance, this shift and transition can be a challenge to the usual strategies and measures fostering economic development and social cohesion.
RRI, governance, public engagement, education


Building Self-Sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe through
Responsible Research and Innovation

SeeRRI is a joint project of 12 partner organizations from five countries, financed by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme. SeeRRI is developing a framework for integrating the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) into regional Smart Specialisation policy. In a nutshell, the project aims to find a new way for all actors to collaborate in research and innovation activities based on a responsible mindset
RRI, RIS3, policy, stakeholders


Territorial RRI fostering Innovative Climate Action

The EU-funded TeRRIFICA project will review the state of the art in climate change adjustment models, policies and strategies. The purpose is to examine approaches to climate action, climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation in central, south, east and west Europe, in urban and rural areas as well as in EU and non-EU regions. Applying Living Lab strategies, crowd-mapping and co-creation activities, citizens, local authorities and experts will be integrated as partners to develop and coordinate adaptation processes. The key policies of RRI will be considered to address Sustainable Development Goals. TeRRIFICA will set up customised guides and key performance indicators for climate change adjustment exercises.
RRI, climate change, Living Labs, policy


Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring system for RRI (SUPER MoRRI)

The bigger the role research and innovation plays, the more important it is to monitor its integration and responsible use. Building on the achievements of the MoRRI project, which conceived and delivered the first RRI monitoring system in Europe, the EU-funded SUPER_MoRRI project will work to secure sustained data collection, curation, further evaluation and clarification of the MoRRI indicators. It will also develop a more complete scientific understanding of the complicated and diverse relationships between RRI policies and practices and their societal and economic impact. 
RRI, monitoring, indicators, stakeholders


Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies

CHERRIES project is a EU funded project aimed at enabling Responsible, Research and Innovation (RRI) policy experiments in the healthcare sector in three European territories –  in Murcia (ES), Örebro (SE) and the Republic of Cyprus (CY). The CHERRIES team applies the RRI framework to mobilise territorial stakeholder ecosystems and engage them into regional pilot actions aimed identifying needs in the healthcare sector at territorial level, encourage the proposition and co-creation of innovative solutions to the identified needs, stimulate institutional reflection processes on how to innovate products and services in the healthcare sector through participatory approaches and to present evidence-based recommendations for revision of sectoral policies, strategies and innovation support instruments.
RRI, RIS3, health, innovation, experiments, policy