A shielded environment for testing and validating energy transition pathways

RIPEET brings together quintuple helix actors of the territorial socio-technical energy regime in Transition Labs with the aim to create more open, inclusive and self-sustaining R&I ecosystems.

The Transition Labs provide a shielded environment for testing and validating the specific RIPEET concept of transition pathway management in the energy sector, leading to a more democratic and open energy innovation process.

The Transition Labs will bring together stakeholders to:

  • Co-create common visions based on the potentials and priorities of territorial eco-systems (mapping and visioning)
  • Generate transition pathways and innovation needs, launching a call for immediate bottom-up solutions to these (pathways and piloting)
  • Anchor the process on organisational as well as policy level (sustainability and exploitation).

Through the Transition Labs, RIPEET supports territories in establishing experimental spaces to address the territorial dimensions of the European Green Deal. RRI-based Transition Labs create collective stewardship of the territorial energy future via participatory instruments and serve as a framework for envisioning a sustainable energy transition.

Following a multi-stakeholder, open innovation-oriented approach, RIPEET puts the integration of stakeholder ecosystems, including citizens and communities, at the heart of the process of developing territorial transition pathways. Based on a co-creative mapping exercise and a reflection on strengths and potentials, Transition Labs facilitate the establishment of a common vision among stakeholders, contributing to a more demand-oriented, and resilient territorial R&I ecosystem.