D.7.4 – RIPEET Report on peer-learning programme

This deliverable will describe the peer-learning programme implemented in RIPEET Community of Practice, between three pilot regions and six mirrors ecosystems.

D.7.2 – RIPEET Call for Mirrors

The report presents the Call for Mirros, aiming at gathering regions interested by the results of RIPEET and by co-creation and replication opportuntiies of the RIPEET Methodology.

D.7.3 – RIPEET Replication guide

The report presents a clear methodology to create and implement a Community of Practice in different projects and initiatives. With a short description of each activity and associated generic and user-friendly method card, this report will support any external stakeholders wishing to conduct similar activities.

D.5.4 – RIPEET Policy brief 2

This policy brief explores to what extent policy co-creation is a useful method to bring local communities and policy makers closer together to develop a supportive policy environment for bottom-up sustainable energy innovations.

D.5.4 – RIPEET Position paper on monitoring RIS3 through an RRI approach  

This position paper exemplifies the convergence of RRI and smart specialisation in regional energy innovation, emphasising multi-stakeholder collaboration.

D.5.2 – RIPEET Transformative innovation policy mixes

In this deliverable we focus on transformative capacities as a governance framework to steer sustainable regional energy transitions. We introduce Transition Labs as RRI-based experimental governance vehicles for regional energy innovation and to strengthen regional transformative capacities.

D.5.3 – RIPEET Policy Brief

The policy brief presents first evidence for transformative R&I policy-making for energy transition collected by the RIPEET project. It showcases some key policy barriers for an inclusive and responsible energy transition and points out some avenues for overcoming them via the RIPEET tested experimentation methodology of Transition Labs.

D.6.2 – RIPEET Experiment evaluation report 

This deliverable has been drafted in the frame of RIPEET WP6 “Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment” and includes the results the periodical monitoring of the RIPEET process.  

D.5.1 – Synthesis of Policy Relevant Aspects of the Transition Lab Process

This analysis synthesizes policy relevant aspects of the RIPEET Transition Lab processes in order to build up the necessary knowledge base for designing a responsible and  transformative territorial innovation policy mix. The synthesis aims at creating a sound understanding of the different elements in interacting in the constitution of energy transition pathways in the framework of sociotechnical regime change.

D.4.1 – RIPEET Territorial Transition Pathways

The Territorial Transition Pathways report presents the backcasting step of the Transition Lab processes in the three RIPEET pilot territories Extremadura (ES), Highlands and Islands of Scotland / Outer Hebrides (UK), and Ostrobothnia (FI). In the backcasting, territorial stakeholders in the three pilot regions co-created transition pathways related to selected change targets connected to the energy visions developed in the previous step of the Transition Labs.

D.4.2 – Selection Report on Niche Innovation Needs

The objective of this deliverable is to present the selectionof the three pilot territories needs that were co-created in the Needs Definition workshops. This was a key step in the territories’ Transition Lab process and the launch of RIPEET Call for solutions.

D.3.2 – RIPEET Handbook

This report presents the general Transition Lab approach of the RIPEET project and provides guidelines for setting up, managing and sustaining the Transition Labs

D.3.3 – RIPEET Vision Folder

RIPEET Vision Folder presents the outcomes of the RIPEET visioning exercise as an essential part of the Transition Lab processes in the three RIPEET pilot territories Extremadura (ES), Highlands and Islands of Scotland / Outer Hebrides (UK), and Ostrobothnia (FI). In the visioning step of the Transition Lab process, territorial stakeholders engaged in a co-creation process of vision building providing a perspective on a possible future for a responsible territorial energy transition.

D.2.3 – RIPEET Analysis of drivers and barriers for innovation pilots in the energy sector

This report focuses on dynamics of regional energy transition pathways in three EU regions. Analysing transitions in Extremadura, Outer Hebrides, and Ostrobothnia, it analysis the drivers, barriers, and actor strategies shaping energy pathways. It introduces a typology of energy transition patterns — community-driven, business-driven, and policy-driven — emphasising the critical role of social innovation.

D.3.1 – RIPEET Toolbox establishment of RRI-based methodologies for experimentation

This report complies with the activities towards the establishment of RRI-based methodologies for experimentation, namely the RIPEET Toolbox.

D.2.1 – Territorial perspectives: R&I energy transition ecosystems in Ostrobothnia

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the energy ecosystem in Ostrobothnia that will serve as the basis for the following tasks and work packages in the RIPEET project.

D.2.2 – Synthesis report on ecosystems, reflection and territorial priorities

This deliverable should be used internally in the RIPEET project, mainly by the RIPEET territorial partners. It will inform also the various stakeholders that will be involved in the implementation of the Transition Labs in the 3 RIPEET territories. Moreover, it will inform other actors interested on how RRI can be valorised in territorial projects (e.g., actors interested in “territorial RRI”)

D.2.1 – Territorial perspectives: R&I energy transition ecosystems in Extremadura

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the energy ecosystem in Extremadura that will serve as the basis for the following tasks and work packages in the RIPEET project.

D.2.1 – Territorial perspectives: R&I energy transition ecosystems in Highlands and Islands of Scotland

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the energy ecosystem in Highlands and Islands of Scotland that will serve as the basis for the following tasks and work packages in the RIPEET project.

 A systemic approach to the energy transition in Europe - Scientific advice to strengthen the resilience of the European energy sector.

This scientific opinion by the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors examines how the European Commission can contribute to the preparation for, acceleration, and facilitation of the clean energy transition in the EU. The European Green Deal aims to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in Europe by 2050, a necessary step to limit global warming.