Ideation: Mind Mapping


At its core, a mind map is a type of diagram that visually links a central subject or concept to related concepts, ideas, words, items, or tasks.  When you create a mind map it allows you to come up with ideas in a non-linear way, start to make connections between concepts, and then add structure to ideas to make a hierarchical map.  It has many applications, such as brainstorming creative ideas, problem-solving, mapping out processes, making visual sitemaps or creating organizational structures.


Ideation: Mind mapping 


Complementary methods for Workshops


Time-frame: 2 hours

As soon as you start mind mapping, you will see how naturally intuitive it feels. The beauty of creating a mind map is fairly easy and straightforward. It is designed that way to encourage a free flow of ideas and information. You can do it on paper easily, but also possible to make a digital copy that you can work on alone or collaboratively with others.

Start with a concept or central idea

Write the key word of the topic/concept you want to explore in the center of a piece of paper.  

Add related ideas

Next, in a rapid-fire session, have your team members develop related sub topics or concepts around that central one. Write down or draw these ideas by creating branches and adding the new elements on nodes.  You can make the branches thicker to show the strength of relationships within the concepts.

Repeat the process for more subtopics

Generate even lower subtopics and connect them via branches and child nodes. You can group related ideas by using colors.                                                   

Highlight the best ideas

Review your mind map and mark the ideas that resonate the most with you and your team. Think about what is missing and what can be fleshed out or explored even further.

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