StoRIES is a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) coordinated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT, that aims to create a research and industrial energy storage ecosystem. The main objectives of StoRIES are linked to energy storage development by providing access to world-class research infrastructures and services, with a focus on improving materials for devices and optimizing hybrid energy systems with a view to making energy technologies more competitive and reducing costs. In addition, StoRIES focuses on the analysis of socio-technical and environmental aspects of new developments and systems and provides training and education on these issues.
Would you like to get involved in the StoRIES eco-system?
For stakeholder organisations:
- Join the Extended Network. The EN will be a main part of the energy storage ecosystem by providing expertise from the point of view of the industry and many other stakeholders in the field of energy storage and related fields. It will gather a very large cloud of participants. For instance, industry members (electric companies, gas companies, oil companies, energy storage companies), academia, consumer associations, etc.
For energy storage experts:
Join the Working Groups (WG), the different expert groups will:
- WG1: contribute to the SRIA/Hybrid Energy Storage Roadmap;
- WG2-3: define the call topics for accessing the research infrastructures and implement the process;
- WG4: set the technical and non-technical barriers for the development of hybrid energy storage solutions.
Join the Selection Panel (SP). The SP will be in charge of the evaluation of the user projects for Transnational and Virtual Access to the research infrastructures. It will be composed of well-recognised worldwide experts in all fields of energy storage.
For all seekers of knowledge:
- If you are a PhD student, join the StoRIES PhD network Education & Training | StoRIES (
- Or participate in the numerous educational initiatives of StoRIES aimed at master's students, researchers and workforce Education & Training | StoRIES
If this sounds interesting to you, you can easily contact the project's innovation support team and communicate how you would like to get involved. You will receive all the relevant documents.
You can get the latest information on the StoRIES project by subscribing to the newsletter.

Within StoRIES 6 calls for Transnational Access (TNA) will be opened. StoRIES TNA:
- enables research at 64 world-class European research infrastructures dealing with energy storage and linked topics (from battery materials to energy network design);
- is open and free to all researchers from academia and industry;
- is supported by reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs for users.
The next TNA call will be opened soon. Please let us know if you would like to be informed when the call is opened by sending an email to